• Tel: 0191 232 1837
  • 9-11 Carliol Square, Newcastle. NE1 6UF

Join the Gym

Membership gives unlimited use of the gym at all times plus all Live & Virtual classes, 7 days a week.

Join today, your membership prices are fixed for as long as you stay.

Joining Fee £20
Monthly Membership £25.99/m

Make your move and try out BodyZone Ladies Fitness today, you're not tied up to any long contract, just give a months notice when cancelling.

Do it now - for the health of it !

There is no minimum contract period, so you can cancel your membership at any time giving at least one months written notice to the club. 

If you cancel your membership, and later return to rejoin BodyZone Ladies Fitness, you must again pay a fresh Joining Fee.

If you have any problems setting up your membership online, please call us on 0191 2321837 for assistance.